Men’s Ministry
Men, we need to wake up to the battle that is being raged against us. It is evident that satan wants to destroy the family, by robbing the family of strong spiritual leaders.The condition of our country and communities is found in Lamentations 5:1-3, Remember, O LORD, what is come upon us: consider, and behold our reproach. Our inheritance is turned to strangers, our houses to aliens. We are orphans and fatherless, our mothers are as widows. A family without a strong male figure is cause for a lot of pain and destruction. Research proves that a strong male figure in the home is essential for health, happiness, and the success of children as they grow up. Satan has been raging an attack on men as spiritual leaders in the home because he knows that if he can portray them as week or unreliable then women and children will look to other sources for what the male figure should be providing. (Safety, Security, Headship.) It is a man’s leadership in the home (family) that forms the future leaders of the church and our community.
1 Timothy 3:5, (for if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?) He will either lead effectively or he will lead poorly, never the less, he will lead .A man failing to lead is actually a man leading in failure. This is not optional. Men have an influence in one direction or the other. These are the truths that we believe at the Altar Church and are geared toward making men aware of them. Our Men’s Breakfast continues to be a sacred time to build relationships with the brothers and fathers of our congregation. The Spirit of Truth shows up every time through the teachings and messages given. Many of men hold Men’s Breakfast as a land mark in their lives where they made a commitment to follow Jesus Christ… It is my heart to see men answer the call of God on their lives and become the men their families so desperately need them to be. By working together as the body of Christ we will strengthen our families, our church, and our community one man at a time and all to the glory of God.
Join us for Men’s Bible Study, Tuesday’s from 6:30-8am, and Men’s breakfast every first Saturday from 8-10am.
To get involved with Men’s Minstry, contact Pastor Don West at